Ultra Air Hockey DXÂ
    Ultra Air Hockey DX is the award-winning, deluxe, 3D, multi-platform, version of the 2D, Ultra Air Hockey (Standard) PC version. It has all of the standard edition's features, as well as more music, more sound effects, more announcer guy, and 3 game modes (Air Hockey, Pinball, and Battle modes). Most importantly, the application is multi-platform, and is EagleSoft Ltd's first professional indie video game title! The game is available for Windows 7, Mac OS X, Linux 10.04, and also for Android! The game was created for fun, as an upgraded version of the standard PC version of Ultra Air Hockey featuring deleted content and material, and for a graded Fundamentals of Software Engineering class with Dr. Acharya at Robert Morris University. Among other achievements, it won a Software Engineering Award at RMU in Spring 2015!
Game Features
Key: *=Features new to DX version
        #=Powerups only available in Air Hockey/Battle Mode
        %=Powerups only available in Pinball Mode
        $=Existential powerup
        ^=Timed powerup
        &=Goal powerup
        !=One-left powerup
*1-4 Players (where applicable)
*3 Different Modes
Air Hockey mode
Standard Air Hockey
1 vs. 1 game, Red vs. Blue
2 goals
*Pinball Mode
Same as Air Hockey mode
But with flippers and a pinball as target object
*4-Player Battle Mode
Same as Air Hockey mode
But with 4 goals
Red vs. Blue vs. Green vs. Yellow
Difficulty settings
Each difficulty has a different size for the goals
x3 difficulty settings per mode
Large goal
Larger goal
Largest goal
Powerups are collectible by hitting powerup box with the puck/pinball
Puck/pinball turns into color of stick/flipper that hit it
Powerup is then kept in reserve in the powerup HUD until player uses it
Once used, powerups will run and process until 1 of 4 conditions are met, depending on the powerup type
Powerup will run until all of the powerup's spawned objects are destroyed
Powerup will run until the powerup's song timer is over
Powerup will run until the next goal
Same as Existential, but will run until there is only one object left
x16 powerups
Creates one AI teammate paddle for human user
Helper repels puck
%*Ball Saver
Puts Ball Saver into user's goal
Ball Saver is destroyed after 3 hits
^#Big stick
Makes your paddle x3 bigger
Puts a giant wall on table
In Air Hockey/Pinball Modes
Placed in center of table in a line
In Battle Mode
Placed in center of table in a cross shape
Blocks offensive attacks by the opponent
Consists of 8 pieces per wall
Each piece can be destroyed after 3 hits from puck/pinball
Randomly places x6 bumpers on the table
Puck/pinball and paddles physically interact with them!
Speeds up game time scale, physics, and sound effects
Causes visual distortion effect
^*Gravity Well
Places gravity well on table
Gravity well can be "kicked" around the table with paddles
Attracts puck/pinball towards it
^*Hot Potato
Puck/Pinball has until end of powerup's song until it explodes
Can kill flippers/sticks if explodes on them, similar to "kill opponent" powerup
Goals made with the hot potato will kill the goal's owner
^Invisibility mode
Makes players invisible for the powerup's song timer
Turns off the lights
Paddles/flippers will glow in the dark
&Kill opponent
Opponent's paddle/flippers is/are taken out of the game until next goal
!Multi puck/balls
Creates 3 pucks/pinballs in play!
Extra pucks/pinballs will disappear on goal
Creates a blue and red portal on table
Puck/pinball that goes into one portal pops out the other
Creates x4 ramps on table
Puck/pinball can jump off them into the air
Going over flippers/sticks
Never goes off table, due to invisible boundaries
Creates a force field shield around stick/flippers
Deflects pucks/pinball with a vastly increased velocity on collision
Slows down game time scale, physics, and sound effects
Causes visual distortion effect
98% Original graphics
*Real-time, 3D graphics
Original, hand-drawn CAD models
Original 2D sprites
Public domain, classic MOD chiptunes
*~x42 chiptunes (from modarchive.org and elsewhere)
~x5 for the menus
*~x30 for the powerups
(16 powerups x2 for Air Hockey/Battle and Pinball modes)
*~x9 for Mode/difficulty combos
3 difficulties per mode, x2 modes (Air Hockey/Battle and Pinball modes)
x3 Gameover songs
x1 for Air Hockey, Battle, and Pinball modes
Sound effects
*~x75 Realistic, original, exciting sound effects and announcer guy clips!
*Environmental SFX
*Powerup SFX
Creative Common sounds from Freesound.org
Announcer proclaims
"Goal!" on a goal
What the current score is
Who is winner
*Menu/Options Items
*The current powerup collected and used
*Smooth 3D awesomeness!
Intelligent CPU AI!
*Accurate and realistic pinball and air hockey physics!
Can select
Game mode
In-game username
In-game email
Can toggle on/off
Source Code:
Source Code and Fundamentals of SE class documentation
(You will need Microsoft Project and yED to view some documents)