About Me

Resume (Version 4f)
Resume (Version 4e)

   Hello! I am Anthony K., and I'm an Indie Unity3D/C# video game programmer! I have 5+ years of Indie professional gamedev experience, 4 published video game titles, and I specialize in gameplay programming for Steam/Xbox One platforms. 

   I am a 32 year old Robert Morris University graduate (B.S. Software Engineering) from the graduating class of 2015. 

   My interest in video gaming and programing started as a child, with my parents giving my brother and I a Nintendo Gameboy Pocket and a Sony Playstation 1 for gaming. We loved playing the classics of the day, such as Super Mario Land, the Crash Bandicoot series, and the Spyro the Dragon series.

   Being interested in creating my own video games someday, as a teenager, I learned how to program using a copy of QuickBasic 4.5 that I acquired while taking Computers merit badge as a Boy Scout for a few requirements. I learned how to reverse engineer and to modify Sega Genesis games such as Sonic the Hedgehog, wrote my own Genesis homebrew games and modding utilities, and later in college, began developing my own Indie video games with Unity3D/C#. From there I got hired at Mega Cat Studios as a contract Genesis homebrew/Unity developer, and the rest they say is history!

   At EagleSoft Ltd., I pride myself in making exciting and innovative software and games for various platforms and Indie studios, both as a contractor to professional studios and as a hobbyist. Specifically, I love creating indie video games for modern platforms (especially Steam, Android, and Xbox One) and hobbyist homebrew/game mod video games for retro platforms.

   People interested in hiring me as a contractor developer can use the contact page, as well as check out my LinkedIn profile for further networking.

   Why is this site called EagleSoft Ltd? Because I am an Eagle Scout, and proud of it! Thank you for visiting my website, and for using my software.

-Anthony K
-Founder of EagleSoft Ltd.

Last updated: 04/19/2024


Brief Site History

   I officially founded EagleSoft Ltd. in 2013; however, I made software before the founding of EagleSoft Ltd at an older tripod.com site (now defunct) called the ProgLog. I'm a graduate from Robert Morris University with a B.S. Software Engineering degree, which I use for Indie video game development. I occasionally makes video game mods, homebrew, and other indie games here, as well as helps out with professional video game development at Indie studios.

   In August 2021, I redesigned EagleSoft Ltd. to v2.0, with the old website migrated from the old Google Sites system to the New Google Sites system.

Legal Info

   Most of my software engineering project were compressed into either the .7z or .rar archive filetypes. In order to open these archive packages, please install either 7-zip or WinRar in order to extract these files.



   My software has been thoroughly tested in order to ensure a pleasant and safe runtime experience. Nevertheless, by using our software, you agree to not hold liable and to not hold responsible EagleSoft Ltd and its associates for any damage or data loss that may be incur due to usage of the software on your devices.

   All site and programming content not explicitly stated to be created by me (especially for fan games/game mods) are credited to their original owners.

©Copyright 2013-2024
EagleSoft Ltd/"Tamkis"