Links & Friends
Flock of Eagle Scouts
Nobody travels through life alone! Below are links to the websites/company's of various friends and family, in order to promote very special companies, and in order to give some technological resources for inspiring video game and software developers!
Video game career development:
Career coaching, job boards
Carnegie Mellon University-based (CMU, Pittsburgh)
Unity3D resources:
Sketchup optimization tool for Unity3D/Source
CAD Resources:
Shareware CAD format & 3DPDF Converter
Freeware CAD format converter, mostly used for hacking video games
3D Printable objects
EagleSoft Ltd/Legacy Google Sites Web resources:
Can be embedded into New Google Sites (HTML Embed object)
Antiseptic Video Game Console icons
Used for some console icons in the Softography page
My common PFP used in Sonic ROM hacking communities
Personified retro game consoles
Used in Ultra Air Hockey DX
Used in site for keyboard buttons
Educational institutions:
Individuals/small organizations:
Places I've worked (professional contract gamedev)
Igloosoft Games
Indie retro homebrew developer in Pittsburgh, PA
Industry friends
Artist at Mega Cat Studios
Musician at Igloosoft Games (Farworld Pioneers)
Former artist at Mega Cat Studios
Other companies
Sega developer, who sells reproduction cart templates (esp. Sega 32x SRAM cartridges!)
Sega General/Technical information:
Eidolon's Inn (final mirror)
Motorola 68k ASM info:
Sonic the Hedgehog modding:
Ti Calculator info:
Last updated: 04/16/24