Welcome to my Indie video game development
portfolio website!

Resume (Version 4f)
Resume (Version 4e)

Professional gamedev highlight reel

EagleSoft Ltd games highlight reel

Hobbyist gamedev highlight reel

Game Modification utilities highlight reel

Useful applications

Hello! I'm Anthony K.

   I am a professional Unity/C# Indie video game developer with over 5+ years of experience and several shipped titles,  especially for Steam and Xbox One platforms. I also like making hobbyist homebrew and game mods/utilities for retro video game consoles.

   As a child, I always loved playing video games. Now, as an adult, I am finally living my dream of coding video games for a living and providing fun and entertainment to gamers and families of all ages!

Below you can find a portfolio of my professionally shipped and hobbyist game titles!

Featured Professional Projects

Below are a few of the more noteworthy professional/freelance projects I have worked on:

Haunted Halloween '86 (Project Page)

Xbox One Store Page
(responsible for porting over the game)

Featured Hobby Projects

Below are a few of the more noteworthy hobby projects I have worked on:

Front Page News